With the delivery of the first D-Series SENNEBOGEN 860, Ivano Boscolo Bielo, a customer of many years’ standing, now has a total of five SENNEBOGEN machines in use. Ships loaded with containers full of rubble from the many building sites in Venice discharge their cargoes at the pier of the Boscolo Bielo Company in the city’s historic old town using a SENNEBOGEN 835 and the new 860 D.
„We use the new 860 D for the unloading of heavy containers. We have to lift the containers, which weigh over 18 tonnes, out of the ships and empty them – so we need a powerful machine such as the 860“ explains company owner Ivano Boscolo Bielo.
The machines are equipped with a special spreader that permits optimum gripping and fast unloading of the containers. After the ship is unloaded, a SENNEBOGEN 821 crawler is used to load new building material that is then delivered directly to the building site. In addition, two Ivano Boscolo Bielo ships are equipped with an 821 R and an 830 R to load rubble directly from the building site and deliver new material.
„We are extremely satisfied with the reliability, the quality and the robust construction of the SENNEBOGEN machines. For us, handling and having a clear overall view at the pier play a very important role. The five SENNEBOGEN units we now have are optimally matched up in terms of their loads, the boom lengths and the operating weights to carry out the various tasks.We rely just as much on these machines as we do on the excellent service of Cesaro Mac. Import SRL”, said Ivano Boscolo Bielo, Company Owner
The first SENNEBOGEN 860 with special spreader for container unloading on the Ivano Boscolo Bielo pier.