SENNEBOGEN Green Hybrid energy recovery system Hybrid system for material handlers
Reduce operating costs SENNEBOGEN Green Hybrid energy recovery system
SENNEBOGEN Green Hybrid energy recovery system

Hybrid cylinder: reduce operating costs by up to 30 %

Best possible efficiency and huge energy savings at the same time: the SENNEBOGEN Green Hybrid energy recovery system delivers high performance and efficiency in large SENNEBOGEN material handlers. In essence, the machine consists of a gas storage tank in the rear of the machine and, depending on the type of machine, one or more additional hydraulic cylinders on the boom. When the operator lowers the boom, the system stores the energy and makes it available to use during the next lift with virtually no loss. If you want a machine that operates fuel-efficiently throughout its operating life, then a SENNEBOGEN hybrid machine is the one for you.

Your advantages at a glance

Functional safety

The hybrid system is made up of standard hydraulic components

Advantages of SENNEBOGEN Green Hybrid

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